09 February, 2009

Savoring Energy: The Chakra Thingy

Many (especially kids or teens who are uninformed even adults) would think that the chakra thingy mentioned in animes are only part of the creator's imagination or that this is just a superficial matter. However, chakras play a significant role in the human body and it's actually part of our daily lives. Let's review some of the basics of this chakra thingy so we will have a better understanding of how or why chakras are mentioned or used in some of the animes (Naruto, Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc.) we like:

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex, and it refers to each of the seven energy centers of which our consciousness, our energy system, is composed.

These chakras, or energy centers, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system. The functioning of the chakras reflects decisions we make concerning how we choose to respond to conditions in our life. We open and close these valves when we decide what to think, and what to feel, and through which perceptual filter we choose to experience the world around us.

When you feel tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the chakra associated with that part of your consciousness experiencing the stress, and in the parts of the physical body associated with that chakra. Where you feel the stress depends upon why you feel the stress.

Understanding the chakras allows you to understand the relationship between your consciousness and your body, and to thus see your body as a map of your consciousness. It gives you a better understanding of yourself and those around you.

>>> The first, namely the root chakra, is located on the pelvis in between the genitals and the anus where the first muscular rigidity of the body takes its toll on the position of the hips.

Also know as: Security Center, Muladhara

: Smell

Consciousness: Security, survival, trust, the relationship with money, home, job. Ability to be grounded, to be present in the here and now. Ability to allow one’s self to be nourished. In the sense of allowing one’s connection with their mother, and with Mother Earth. How the person feels about being on the earth. Connection with the physical body.

>>>The sacral chakra, is located 2 inches below the naval where another muscle rigidity gives a slouch to the lower back.

Also know as: Sensation Center, Spleen Chakra, Hara, Svadhisthana

This chakra is associated with the parts of the consciousness concerned with food and sex. It is about the body’s communication to the Being inside, about what the body wants and needs, and what it finds pleasurable.

>>>The third one is the solar plexus chakra located above the diaphragm giving a slouch to the upper back.

Also known as: Power Center, Manipura

Parts of the consciousness associated with this chakra include perceptions concerned with power, control, freedom, the ease with which one is able to be themselves – ease of being. Mental activity and the mental body is also associated with this chakra.

>>>The heart chakra is the fourth located on the second vertebra gives the first slouch to the shoulders.

Also know as: Living Love Center, Anahata

Sense of touch, in its aspect of relating to the person inside the body, and distinct from the sensation of the Orange Chakra, which is more about the sensation one feels from their own, body. Sensitivity about being touched indicates heart chakra sensitivity.

Perceptions of love, relationships (relating with people close to your heart, e.g. partner, siblings, parents, children. Difficulty with breathing, or with the lungs, the organs of air, indicates tension in the Heart Chakra. A person’s relationship with air reflects their relationship with love.

>>>The fifth one is the throat chakra located on the throat gives the second slouch to the shoulders, and a habitual bend to the neck stopping the head from being held high.

Also known as: Cornucopia Center, Visuddha

Sense of Hearing is the one associated with this chakra.

This chakra is associated with listening to one’s intuition, which guides one in an optimal flow, in which one sees one’s goals manifest, and is seems that the Universe provides all their needs with no effort on their part at all. It’s a state of Grace. Abundance, therefore, is associated with this chakra, as is the aspect of unconditional receiving necessary to accept the abundance of the Universe.

>>>Then here comes the third eye chakra located between the two eyebrows, that gives the first shrinkage to the lips and to the eyes distorting the positioning of the jaws and hence, generating all the vision problems.

Also known as: Consciousness Awareness Center, Third Eye, Ajna

: Extra Sensory Perception, all of the inner senses corresponding to the outer senses, which together are considered spirit-to-spirit communication. These include, for example, clairvoyance (inner sense of vision), clairaudience (inner sense of hearing), clairsentience (inner senses of touch), etc.

Consciousness: This Chakra is associated with the deep inner level of Being we call the Spirit, and with what we consider spirituality and the spiritual perspective, the point of view from the deeper part of our being that western traditions consider the subconscious or unconscious. It is the place where our true motivations are found, and is the level of consciousness that directs our actions and, in fact, our lives.

>>>And last but not the least, the crown chakra located on the top of the head, giving the second shrinkage to the lips and to the eyes further distorting the positioning of the jaws and hence, further generating more vision problems.

Also known as: Cosmic Consciousness Center, “I AM” Center, Sahasrara.

Sense of empathy, unity, experiencing another person’s experience as if you were inside them, being them are the senses involved in this kind of chakra.

The Crown Chakra represents that part of our consciousness concerned with perceptions of unity or separation. Just as the Root Chakra showed our connection with Mother Earth, this chakra shows our relationship with Our Father in Heaven. It represents our connection with our biological father, which becomes the model for our relationship with authority, and ultimately, with God. It’s the level of the soul.

See also "The Human Chakra System".

However, the Avatar: The Last Airbender have a different view about these chakras. And I'm going to share what those things are soon. haha! I hope you've learned something from this post.. Ciao! :D


RoNald said...

Wow sensei! your chakra have grown stronger even you're not in the sage tech mode. amazing! hehe.

nice post pril. i've learned a lot from you as a student. :>

Clare Marshall said...

-duh! bwahaha *rolling eyes*.. LOL
You should do your homework too if you want to become a sensei as awesome as I am.. bwahahahah:P tnx ;)