18 April, 2009

Hold Thy Breath o_X

These past few days, I just cant help but complain about riding on a public utility vehicle. Why? because more and more annoying people tend to get the best out of your day. And usually, your encounters with those people are just so dreadful you even want to die in a blink of an eye.

The worst part of riding on a jeepney (or falling in line, walking on busy streets, or something like you dont have a choice but mingle with a lot of people in an elbow-toelbow mode) especially if it's kind of "bumper to bumper" or "your skin next to mine", is the tendency to ride or sit next to somebody who has a "power". A power to blow things up... including your brain, senses or just everything about you. And if you happen to experience this in the start of your day, then you can expect a very fowl mood indeed or a very sick feeling that would somehow, last a day or two. lol

For me, they are the "flame throwers". A kind of flame you would never wish to have. Some give off just a faint smell but mostly, something powerful that can make you sick or even make you cry. My last "close encounter with THIS kind" was very very dramatic. I almost fainted and vommited, wet my hanky with tears while telling myself (I should never ever ride on the driver's side of a jeepney). My hanky has lost its function because the "power of that guy in sando throwing off a hell-of-a-flame that seemed the reason why hell is burning" got the highest score on me.

I think you got the idea. What I did? I went off that jeepney and rode another one after praying to have a better ride even if it would cost me a lot. it wasnt just my lucky day. I was cursing thinking of what happened but forgetting about "the smell of his poison" for it kept on making me feel sick whenever my senses would remember it. I had been so fragrant that day or did my best to look, smell and feel fresh but for what? For some flame thrower to take not just the spotlight out of me but even scared the hell out of me taking so much of my energy.

I just dont get it. Why are some people who have body odor and the like just cant seem to notice or realize that they're making others sufer?!! Ok, it's already taken that most of these people cant seem to notice that they already stink. But knowing you have such fowl odor, you should be as aware of when you might be exposing your secrets or "unconsciously giving off a pety source of air pollution". And do your best to keep yourself clean and fresh. Personal care products (added with tremendous cleaning efforts) wont actually run out.

And for God's sake, please... you people, or should I say.. flame throwers... PLEASE STOP WEARING A SANDO OR SLEEVELESS!!!! much more... stop exposing those "portals".. huhuhu... you're making this world a much dreadful place to live in.. nyahahaha o_O


Spot a Leopard said...

Sweet Zombie Jesus..Pril, i feel you, that is the worst thing that could happen to me mingling with public transpo.

Quick Tip, when i ride a Jeep I first look on how the people are dressed and then I will sit beside the cleanest-looking stranger with that, I always have no-flame-power ride and isang bagay pa, mas fresh smelling yung mga tao sa route ko so seldom akong nakaka-encounter nyan, no offence pero yung mga pinakamasama ang putok ay mga jaro na jeep (hindi naman lahat pero karamihan)your mayor should do something about it. Nakakabwisit

Clare Marshall said...

- bwahahaah... you got that right.. since I'm from Jaro and I always get to ride jaro cpu/liko jeepneys.. well, that's where I'd usually.. hmmm.. hahaha... I'll take heed of your suggestions.. and somehow.. I'm doing that too... but there are times you just cant avoid but sit next to that person or that person sits next to you.. aaarrggghh.. what a pain.. good for you to have fresh-smelling people around.. hahaayz :D

jigs said...

sarap nyan oi!!!! parang umikot ang paningin ko. Incredibly punishing world!

cpsanti said...

wahahaha! i know what you mean ... summer has come to tokyo again and the smells, the smells ;-(